“Our staff make Let’s Go! Camps the leading camps that they are today!”


At Let's Go! we select our summer camp managers for their outstanding leadership qualities, organisational skills, summer camp experience and their enthusiasm. All our Summer Camp managers have worked previously as teachers on our Summer Camps. They are dedicated and committed to ensuring all our campers have a positive summer camp experience. Each manager takes great pride in their own summer camp. Children love to see familiar faces!! Each year we have a high return of camp managers which adds to the continuity and stability of the Let's Go! Summer Camps.

Our Teaching Staff

We pride ourselves on our professionally trained staff, who are dedicated to their work at Let's Go!  Our teaching staff are a combination of Physical Education teachers, Primary and Secondary School teachers, as well as undergraduates from the various colleges throughout Ireland.  A significant number of our staff return each summer to work on our summer camps, which adds to the strength of our team.  New recruits are selected after an interview process.  All successful candidates are Garda vetted and receive training prior to working on our camps.  Our teaching staff actively encourage each campers full involvement, thereby ensuring they get maximum benefit from the summer camp.

All our staff members are dependable, enthusiastic, outgoing, knowledgeable and truly caring individuals.