Typical Easter Camp Day
A Typical Easter Camp Day at Let's Go!
Sample Timetable 7- 12 year olds
09.15 - 09.45 Campers arrive and roll call is taken.
09.45 - 10.30 Unihoc
10.30 - 11.15 Wobbly Ladder
11.15 - 11.35 Break time
11.35 - 12.20 KMX Karts
12.20 - 13.05 Rounders
13.05 - 13.25 Lunch
13.25 - 14.05 Zorb Ball Roll
14.05 - 14.40 Flingsock Games
14.40 - 15.15 Archery
15.15 - 15.30 Going home assembly
Sample Timetable 5 - 6 year olds
09.15 - 09.45 Campers arrive and roll call is taken.
09.45 - 10.30 Unihoc
10.30 - 11.15 Wobbly Ladder
11.15 - 11.35 Break time
11.35 - 12.20 Pony Cycles
12.20 - 13.05 Musical Games
13.05 - 13.25 Lunch
13.25 - 14.05 Bouncy Castle
14.05 - 14.40 Flingsock Games
14.40 - 15.15 Assault Course
15.15 - 15.30 Going home assembly
Campers are collected at 3.30pm
On the first morning of camp registration takes place between 9.30am - 9.45am. After registration children are divided into groups according to age and rolls are taken.The camp manager addresses the campers, introduces them to all the teachers and outlines the camp rules for the week .Then its time for the Fun to begin with lots of icebreaker and name games. The first activity will commence no later that 10.30am.